Asparagus clafoutis with Brillat-Savarin

Easy 2 Yes



Peel the asparagus bases and cut diagonally into 3 cm pieces. Sauté the asparagus with the butter for 5 minutes over a medium heat. Blend the cream, Brillat-Savarin cheese and eggs, and season with salt, pepper and nutmeg.

Assembly: Place the asparagus in individual ovenproof dishes or moulds greased with butter. Pour the mixture over the asparagus and cook in a preheated oven at 160ºC for 20 minutes or until set.

Note: You can use another type of vegetable with the same cream base, Brillat-Savarin cheese and egg.

Tip: To shorten the cooking time in the oven, you can heat up the cream before blending it with the cheese and egg. In this case, first blend the warm cream and cheese, and then add the egg to prevent the temperature of the cream from curdling it.
Milk from COW


Brillat savarin raw milk 100g

A cheese made from raw cow?s milk. With triple cream, its fat in dry matter content is 75%. It has a creamy and soft texture and delicious taste.

2950 100 gr 9 ROUZAIRE 75%