Apple and Wensleydale tart

Moderate 2 Yes



Peel and cut the apples into eighths, and each eighth in half crosswise. Lightly brown the apple in a pan with the butter. Add rum and sugar, and cook over a medium heat for a couple of minutes.

Assembly: Cut the pastry into 12 cm circles. Brush the pastry with beaten egg and place the apple pieces on top with the middle part upwards. Cook in a preheated oven at 180ºC for about 15 minutes. Crumble the Wensleydale cheese over the apples and bake for 5 more minutes.

Note: Serve the tart warm with a creamy ice cream.

Tips: You can substitute the apple with figs when they are in season. In that case, place fresh figs cut into quarters on the pastry and sprinkle with sugar, missing out the rum and butter.